Small Business Owners are Living the American Dream

We released our latest Main Street Pulse Report today and are pleased to report the American Dream is alive and well. What does that mean? 81 percent of survey respondents traded the security of a corporate “9 to 5” job to build their own businesses, have more flexibility, and follow their true passion. While owning a small business is not for the faint of heart, these small business owners agree the rewards outweigh the challenges. Here are some of the key findings:

  • Small business owners have a tireless work ethic: 90 percent work in some capacity on weekends; and 80 percent work from home even after leaving the office
  • Their #1 priority is growing their business: The number one thing business owners want more of is money for their business.
  • They are committed to helping build strong communities: 80 percent of small business owners find time to help their communities.
  • Running a small business isn’t easy, but it’s worth it: Despite the time and work required to run a business, nearly 90 percent say they would do it all over again.

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How does your pursuit of the American dream compare?

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