Ron’s Small Business Lesson: Pay it Forward

At OnDeck, we understand the dedication and hard work required of our customers to do what they do every day: run their business. Never has this been more evident to us than when we hit the road and headed down to Asbury Park, New Jersey after receiving an invitation from our customers Ron Wendolowski and DJ Presto to check out their latest venture.

First Loan: Ron originally came to OnDeck in August of 2012 when he needed financing to purchase a sandwich prep table to service more customers at DJ’s Delights, a local deli launched in 2010. After taking his first loan, Ron was able to increase revenue by 30%.

Second Loan: He then came back for a second loan in December of 2012 to expand to the space next door and add a restaurant, called DJ’s Restaurant. With his first two loans, Ron was surprised by how much he liked the daily payment option OnDeck offers. “At first, I was skeptical. But the daily payment really helped us manage our cash flow and avoid that end-of-the-month anxiety small business owners know all too well. Since we’ve started working with OnDeck, we’ve increased our revenues by 50% and hired 10 more employees. I would strongly encourage other business owners out there looking to take on a similar opportunity to consider the daily payment option with OnDeck.”

Over a year later: We’re proud to say Ron and the team are still OnDeck customers. They recently celebrated the launch of DJ’s Market, a local grocery store, adjacent to their two other businesses. The two saw a real need for a neighborhood market when Hurricane Sandy hit and locals started filtering in looking for household items. “Asbury Park is a tight knit community, and when Hurricane Sandy hit we all banded together. Even though we lost power ourselves and were hurting from spoiled inventory, we came to work every day to see how we could help our employees, local residents and even our neighboring businesses,” said Ron.

Where they are headed: Ron and DJ’s kindness towards locals did not go unnoticed during the storm, and the business began to garner a reputation for community support and involvement among Asbury Park residents. After the storm, the two were determined to recover from the damage and build what would eventually become DJ’s Market. He naturally turned to OnDeck again to help with his rebuilding efforts from lost inventory and missed business days. “OnDeck really made the borrowing process easy during a stressful time for us. Sending your bank account information can be scary, but with OnDeck everyone made us feel really comfortable. We got the money we needed, and our business is really expanding” explained Ron.

Now, DJ Delights has safely secured its spot as a favorite among locals. With 3 ventures, 14 employees and a catering job for New Jersey legend Bruce Spingsteen under their belt, we think it’s only the beginning for DJ, Ron and the entire DJ’s Delights team.