Does the average workday for you sound like hundreds of tasks piled on top of each other?
Sure, the life of a small business owner can get hectic at times. Transforming an idea into a successful small business takes guts, dedication and determination, and the result of that may be the opinion within your team that you are the go-to, do-it-all leader extraordinaire.
However, don’t let this mean that you have to tackle every project alone – you’ll surely burn out.
Instead, focus on doling out some direction in the office.
Why You Should Delegate
As you grow, it’s important to look for ways to get your staff members more involved in your business to take some of the work off your plate.
Why is delegation important? Most importantly, it frees up your time to focus on more important duties. You have your job – you shouldn’t be doing everyone else’s as well.
Delegation also helps grow and educate your employees. The more you rely on other people to handle important tasks, the more pride they will take in their role. Plus, it will reduce training time should you experience turnover or see a senior employee evolve in their role. Always show trust and confidence in your team as you delegate.
How You Can Delegate
Keep in mind that there is a right way and a wrong way to delegate. The best way is to dedicate the time and resources to provide the right context. For example, plan ahead to ensure the person who receives the new work understand why the task is important, and that they have the right training to get started. If you don’t set the stage, chances are you could just end up taking the job back and doing it yourself.
Your tactics can also get better if you first identify team members who are up to the challenge. Start delegating with them before branching out. Figure out each person’s strengths and weaknesses and assign duties accordingly. With this complete, you’ll be delegating like a pro in no time.
How do you delegate among your team members? Tell us below.