On Deck Founder Takes Leadership Role In National Microbusiness Initiative, Moderates Panel at the Milken Global Conference
As we continue in our mission to connect small businesses to capital, today we announced two exciting developments from former On Deck chief executive officer and founder Mitch Jacobs. Jacobs has been named co-chairman of the “One in Three” Leadership Council, a major non-profit initiative of the Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO). The council’s goal is to create new jobs by reaching 1 million microbusinesses throughout the U.S., under the premise that if one in three microbusinesses hired one additional employee, the U.S. would be at full employment.
Secondly, Jacobs will also moderate a panel at the prestigious Milken Global Conference. The panel, titled The New Frontier of Credit: How Technology Can Improve Access to Capital will address how technology today is changing the lending landscape of the U.S. Fellow On Deck Board Member Matt Harris will also be participating on the panel.
Click here for more information about the Association for Enterprise Opportunity and the Milken Global Conference.