
COVID-19: Journey Capital updates

Here at Journey Capital we know there is still a lot of uncertainty around COVID-19; the impact of which continues to pose new challenges for Canadian small businesses. We take transparency very seriously, so to make as much information available to you as possible, we compiled all our COVID company updates here.

If you’re looking for more COVID-19 business resources, you can visit our Provincial Support Programs for Canadian Small Businesses page and our Federal Support Programs page. Check back often as these pages will be updated as new information becomes available.


03/13/2020 | COVID-19 Update: Journey Capital is Ready

We know there is a lot of uncertainty around COVID-19 and the potential impacts it may have on small businesses across the country. Given escalating concerns related to the spread of the novel coronavirus, we felt it was important to communicate the actions Journey Capital is taking to protect the health of our employees while supporting the financial well-being of our small business clients during this uncertain time.

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04/02/2020 | How Journey Capital is supporting its customers through COVID-19

As the COVID-19 situation evolves, it continues to impact our lives and our economy in ways we never imagined possible. While our main concern remains the health and the safety of our loved ones, small businesses nation-wide are under tremendous financial pressure. They need our collective and continued support during this critical time.

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04/09/2020 | Op-Ed: Small businesses are dying. Why isn’t the government leveraging fintech to save them?

We are doing everything we can to support small businesses during this unprecedented time of crisis. We applaud the federal government for taking action and announcing a plan to provide financial support to those impacted by COVID-19. But since their announcement, we have strongly recommended that they leverage our expertise in getting funds into the hands of small businesses as quickly as possible. Many of which won’t survive long enough to receive the very financial support that’s been pledged to them.

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