Category: Canada

Small Business Week: Our team’s favorites

To celebrate Small Business Week, we thought it would be fun to share and showcase some of our team members’ favorite small businesses. Check back as we will be adding to this list all week! *The businesses profiled here are not clients of Journey Capital, simply small businesses our team members love and support. Julie’s…

4 cost-effective small business marketing ideas

Although running marketing campaigns on a small business budget can be challenging, it is doable. In fact, some marketing initiatives are less expensive than you might think! All you need is a little time and creativity. Whether your small business is in the process of reopening, slowly getting back on track or looking to accelerate…
How A Poor Online Presence Can Hurt Your Small Business

How a poor online presence can hurt your small business

In our last post we took a look at some of the first steps to taking your business online. The COVID-19 pandemic has business owners starting to think differently about how they reach their customers. 40% of Canadian SMBs don’t currently have a website but are in the process of creating one. COVID is pushing…

First steps to taking your business online

Small businesses across the country were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. But, as restrictions start to ease up and re-openings begin, business owners can finally focus on rebuilding towards a new “normal”. In addition to the financial support offered to small businesses by their Federal and Provincial governments, we noticed that many opted to…

COVID-19: Where Canadian SMBs stand

After months of restrictions, the COVID-19 curve has finally started to flatten in Canada. For many small businesses this is welcome news, but the economic effects of the novel coronavirus continue to impact them in different ways. We surveyed Canadian small businesses to better understand what exactly those impacts are. Are most businesses open or…

COVID-19: Provincial support programs for Canadian small businesses

The amount of information out there related to COVID-19 support while helpful, can be overwhelming. We compiled all of the available resources pertaining to Coronavirus relief for Canadian small businesses at the provincial level so you don’t have to. Check back often as this page will be updated as new information becomes available. For information…
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COVID-19: Federal support programs for Canadian small businesses

The amount of information out there related to COVID-19 support while helpful, can be overwhelming. We compiled all of the available resources pertaining to Coronavirus relief for Canadian small businesses at the federal level so you don’t have to. Check back often as this page will be updated as new information become available. For information…

We will get through this together

As the COVID-19 situation evolves, it continues to impact our lives and our economy in ways we never imagined possible. While our main concern remains the health and the safety of our loved ones, small businesses nation-wide are under tremendous financial pressure. They need our collective and continued support during this critical time.

COVID-19 update: Journey Capital is ready

We know there is a lot of uncertainty around COVID-19 and the potential impacts it may have on small businesses across the country. Given escalating concerns related to the spread of the novel coronavirus, we felt it was important to communicate the actions OnDeck Canada is taking to protect the health of our employees while supporting the financial well-being of our small business clients during this uncertain time.
right loan for your business

Choosing the right loan for your business

Are you checking the right boxes when choosing financing for your business? When business owners think of obtaining finance for their small business, they may think of going to the bank, friends, or family. But business owners may not be aware of other trusted lending options. There are many financing options today to fund your…

6 ways service businesses can use technology to fuel growth

There are a number of ways that service businesses can grow. For one, they can get an injection of cash from a lender or investor. Or, they can save time, save costs, and land more bookings. With the right technology, they can do it all! Here are six ways that service businesses can use technology to…

Utilizing business financing to expand your business

Business financing can be used in multiple ways to expand your business; such as launching new products, locations, improving operations and maximizing profit margins, or through external growth opportunities like acquiring new businesses. In a nutshell, Business expansion financing is used to facilitate long-term growth, revenue, and profit for the business. Different businesses, interpret “expansion”…
Business Loan in Ontario

How to acquire a business loan in Ontario

How to Acquire a Business Loan in Ontario? The Ontario province in Canada provides an excellent business environment for entrepreneurs and for small businesses to grow their company operations. According to recent surveys, Ontario is considered one of the top places in the world for companies to establish their headquarters and for investors to invest…

Business financing for retail stores in Canada

With Canada’s unique mix of cultures, history and modern innovation. It’s easy to see why the retail industry is booming. From province to province we can spot little shops in small local communities and huge malls that offer some of the best shopping experiences in North America. Running a retail store as a small business…