Category: Blog

Small Business Week: Our team’s favorites

To celebrate Small Business Week, we thought it would be fun to share and showcase some of our team members’ favorite small businesses. Check back as we will be adding to this list all week! *The businesses profiled here are not clients of Journey Capital, simply small businesses our team members love and support. Julie’s…
right loan for your business

Choosing the right loan for your business

Are you checking the right boxes when choosing financing for your business? When business owners think of obtaining finance for their small business, they may think of going to the bank, friends, or family. But business owners may not be aware of other trusted lending options. There are many financing options today to fund your…

Utilizing business financing to expand your business

Business financing can be used in multiple ways to expand your business; such as launching new products, locations, improving operations and maximizing profit margins, or through external growth opportunities like acquiring new businesses. In a nutshell, Business expansion financing is used to facilitate long-term growth, revenue, and profit for the business. Different businesses, interpret “expansion”…
Business-strategy-blog- OnDeck

6 steps to help you think more strategically

Building a Business Strategy for 2019 Thinking strategically and building a business strategy is an important exercise for all businesses—large and small. Unfortunately, many small business owners aren’t sure where to start, how a more strategic approach will impact their business, or if it’s even worth the time away from the important work of meeting…
budgeting for the new year | OnDeck

Small business budgeting for the new year

Even if your business is not what is typically identified as a “seasonal” business, your business likely ebbs and flows with seasonal fluctuations—at least that’s been my experience over the last 35 or so years. Fortunately, after a couple of years at the helm of your business, those fluctuations can be anticipated; making it possible…
Short-Term-Financing-Recap - OnDeck

All you need to know about short-term loans: A quick recap

When you’re beginning your research into financing for your business, there are a lot of items you need to consider. The most common question is ‘what type of loan should I get?’ There’s a myth out in the business world that it’s best to get the most amount of money for the longest payback period…
Cash Flow for Small Business | OnDeck

Cash flow: What business owners should know

Cash flow is the lifeblood of every business. Without cash, it’s hard to purchase inventory, pay employees, and ultimately keep the doors open. In fact, according to, 82% of small businesses fail because of poor cash flow management skills or a poor understanding of cash flow. “While there are multiple factors to consider with…
4 Ways to Recover From A Rejected Loan Application | OnDeck

4 ways to recover from a rejected loan application

Most small business owners don’t jump into their entrepreneurial dream because they are experts at financing a business. As a result, it’s not uncommon for a loan application to be rejected. Sometimes it could be the creditworthiness of the business, the criteria of the lender, or simply not completely understanding what the lender considered when…
Get-Smart-About-Your-Business-Credit-Profile | OnDeck

Your Credit Profile: Are You Smart Enough?

Today is Get Smart About Your Credit Day. As a small business owner, you don’t need to be a credit or finance expert, but in today’s world, it’s critically important that you have a strong foundation of credit knowledge and are vigilant in your efforts to build and maintain a strong profile. Every small business…
3 Unexpected Ways Business Owners are Wasting Time

3 Unexpected Ways Business Owners are Wasting Time

Here you are, coffee in hand, ready to tackle your store’s to-do list. But before you know it, you’re dealing with an order that came in unexpectedly, recounting last night’s cash report because it doesn’t add up and covering for your cashier whose, once again, late. Sound familiar? That’s because, on average, business owners spend…
From Temp to Perm OnDeck Blog

From Temp to Perm? How and When to Do it Right?

Should You Bring Your Temporary Employee on Full-Time? Hiring temporary employees is a natural course for many small businesses during the busier seasons. Temporary employees come in many shapes, sizes, and with different expertise. The most common reasons to bring on a temporary employee include: college interns on summer break, to have an extra hand…
Brand Breeders Customer Testimonial for OnDeck Blog

Balancing Online and In-Person Sales

Tips for Balancing Between Online and In-Person Sales An Interview with Parth Sharma, Brand Breeders I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with Parth Sharma, the owner and founder Brand Breeders. Launched in 2011, Parth’s company helps consumer goods brands launch and scale their business. Part manufacturing, part consulting, Parth spends his days…