Category: Advice

financial metrics | OnDeck small business loans

Financial Metrics Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

Financial Metrics You Should Know to Run Your Small Business Understanding your business’ financial metrics, and what those numbers are telling you, is critical to running a successful business, knowing whether or not your business is profitable, or waking up one day to find out you’re on the slow march to insolvency and going out of business.…

Your Complete Guide to the Remote Workforce in 2017

The Ultimate Work/Life Balance Goal: Your Employee and Employer Guide to the Remote Workforce. Telecommuting and the remote workforce has been growing since technology has begun to transform our lives.  Along with transformations in technology, we’ve seen the adoption of the remote workforce by mainstream employers with a mountain of stats and information that back up…
work-life-blanace, small business loans

Your Employees Work/Life Balance is Good for Business

Facilitating a Healthy Work/Life Balance for Your Employees is Good for Business I spent the earliest years of my career sweeping the warehouse floor and stocking shelves in my Father’s small business. As a teenager, he taught me how to do a good job and exemplified the mantra, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well.”…
seasonal business loans | ondeck

Running a Seasonal Business: BuddhaLicious

Living the Dream, Running a Successful Seasonal Business An Interview with Todd Bryant, Owner of BuddhaLicious Todd Bryant has had a more exciting life than most. He spent his childhood and early adulthood traveling around the US and internationally. His passion has always been food, and he’s been cooking since he was a little kid.…
managing your resources wisely | ondeck small business loans

Actionable Tips to Managing Your Resources Wisely

Managing Your Business Resources Managing resources is a challenge for many small business owners, but if you’re at all like I was, I believed I had a better handle on things that I did in reality. That’s not to say I was a disaster, but rather, hindsight being what it is, I can see lots…
how to delegate in a small business

Delegation: Your Key to Working Smarter

What Can Small Business Owners Do to Work Smarter, Not Harder? Delegate. As a small business advocate, I always try to find interesting topics or issues to write about that appeal to as many business owners as possible. One area I consistently see small business owners struggle with is delegation. Learning to delegate is possibly the…

Why Business Owners Should Take a Break & How to Do It

Give Yourself a Break! It’s Just Good Business. According to this OnDeck study, only 57% of small business owners take a vacation during the year. If there is one thing in this world that I am certain of it is that business owners never truly turn off. You may look like you’re “taking a break” or…
work-life balance ondeck small business loans

How to Manage a Better Work-Life Balance this Summer

Rev Up Your Work-Life Balance! Get Yourself & Your Business Ready for Summer.  For small businesses, the summer months can be the busiest and most profitable. As demand during the peak summer season increases, you probably find yourself struggling to find a good balance between managing your business and making time to enjoy summer nights with…

Managing Your Busy Season

Managing Your Busy Season Well Can Set Up Your Slow Season for Success Summer is the time when people get up, go outside, travel, and walk along main street. So it’s not too surprising that many small businesses see a surge in traffic during the summer months. Many small businesses experience seasonality and it makes sense to…
small business loans business risk business decisions

Tips to Make Better Decisions for Your Business

How can you better calculate your business risk and make smarter decisions? A conversation with Nick Brown, Chief Risk Officer at OnDeck How do you know if you’re making the right decisions for your business? Are you using the right tools and information to come to a decision? How are you evaluating your business risk through a short-term…
restaurant social media marketing | ondeck small business loans

Actionable Tips for Restaurant Social Media Marketing

Is Your Restaurant Social Media Marketing Ready? When done correctly, the power of social media marketing can help take your restaurant business to the next level and expand your customer base. By understanding critical areas of social media marketing, a restaurant can maximize their efforts in increasing its online presence and business revenue. In addition to…

3 Ways to Motivate Employees and Earn Their Loyalty

The backbone of any great business is its employees. Employees that are motivated are often more productive, happier, and can be one of your business’s greatest assets, while unmotivated employees can sometimes work against your business. One of the easiest ways to motivate your employees is to create an environment that they want to come…