Category: Advice

SMB hacks for improving cash flow

Managing cash flow. As an SMB owner, those three words may seem daunting at first, and we don’t blame you. Research shows 64% of Canadian small business owners are burdened with cash flow issues. If you can efficiently manage your cash flow, you will have much more available capital to play with. This comes with…

How to make your SMB sustainable

More and more, we’re seeing small business owners and entrepreneurs wanting to contribute to a sustainable economy. Small business owners and their employees are now in a position to make a difference and to seize this opportunity to build and grow an economy that’s sustainable. By doing so, they will cater to a larger audience,…

Content to enrich your SMB’s social media

Where do I Start? Social media is continually changing the way that we communicate and consume information. Today, quality content is the foundation and at the heart of any successful social media strategy. As a small-business owner, it can be challenging to dedicate time creating engaging and entertaining content. It’s also extremely competitive, 93% of…

Term loan vs. line of credit – How are they different?

A fixed term loan provides a lump sum of money that a borrower pays back with interest over an agreed-upon period. A line of credit, meanwhile, provides access to a sum of money that you can use as needed. Both options can provide you with funds in advance so that you can use them immediately. As…

3 key tips to building a successful business

In a recent interview by Smarter Loans, David Souaid, CRO at Journey Capital, was asked to share some advice on building a successful business. Although there is no exact recipe for creating a successful company, there are some things every entrepreneur can do to build a strong foundation for their business. David shared 3 key…

4 things every business owner needs to run a thriving business

Author: Ty Kiisel Small business owners come from different backgrounds and, many times, different skill sets. Regardless of whether your background is in sales, marketing, or a technical background, there are some things I’ve observed every small business owner needs to learn to successfully run a thriving business. Over the course of my 35+ years…
How A Poor Online Presence Can Hurt Your Small Business

How a poor online presence can hurt your small business

In our last post we took a look at some of the first steps to taking your business online. The COVID-19 pandemic has business owners starting to think differently about how they reach their customers. 40% of Canadian SMBs don’t currently have a website but are in the process of creating one. COVID is pushing…

6 ways service businesses can use technology to fuel growth

There are a number of ways that service businesses can grow. For one, they can get an injection of cash from a lender or investor. Or, they can save time, save costs, and land more bookings. With the right technology, they can do it all! Here are six ways that service businesses can use technology to…

Utilizing business financing to expand your business

Business financing can be used in multiple ways to expand your business; such as launching new products, locations, improving operations and maximizing profit margins, or through external growth opportunities like acquiring new businesses. In a nutshell, Business expansion financing is used to facilitate long-term growth, revenue, and profit for the business. Different businesses, interpret “expansion”…

Common mistakes to avoid with business loans

  Business financing can be exactly what you need to propel your business forward – but it needs to be used correctly  Even though money coming may never seem to be a bad idea, there are some situations where opting for a business loan is not the ideal solution. And if it is the right…
Business Loan in Ontario

How to acquire a business loan in Ontario

How to Acquire a Business Loan in Ontario? The Ontario province in Canada provides an excellent business environment for entrepreneurs and for small businesses to grow their company operations. According to recent surveys, Ontario is considered one of the top places in the world for companies to establish their headquarters and for investors to invest…

Business financing for retail stores in Canada

With Canada’s unique mix of cultures, history and modern innovation. It’s easy to see why the retail industry is booming. From province to province we can spot little shops in small local communities and huge malls that offer some of the best shopping experiences in North America. Running a retail store as a small business…

Can a business loan help my auto shop?

Injecting funds into any small or large business can be a great help if used properly. For auto shops, in particular, inventory management is a key ingredient to success. Since parts and equipment can be expensive, and revenue usually doesn’t come in until after the inventory is sold and the job is done. Hence it…

5 takeaways from Journey Capital’s first partner event

Providing Canadian small businesses with great service and access to capital is a top priority for Journey Capital. We greatly value our partner network that allows us to reach small businesses and we are always looking for innovative ways to bring you useful content. On Thursday evening, May 10th, we hosted our first Partner Summit.…
Business-strategy-blog- OnDeck

6 steps to help you think more strategically

Building a Business Strategy for 2019 Thinking strategically and building a business strategy is an important exercise for all businesses—large and small. Unfortunately, many small business owners aren’t sure where to start, how a more strategic approach will impact their business, or if it’s even worth the time away from the important work of meeting…