
Do I Need to Hire a Bookkeeper?

Chances are, you didn’t start your own small business because you wanted to spend your time on bookkeeping. Handling expense receipts and invoices, along with all the other tasks that come with careful and meticulous bookkeeping, are a crucial part of running a business. But we can all agree these tasks easily suck up a…

Enter the Loan Process Educated About Small Business Financing

The time to investigate small business financing is before you need it. The last few years have seen big changes in the world of small business financing. Because of those changes, most small business owners don’t know what they don’t know—it’s changed that fast. Although I believe anything that gives greater access to capital has…

3 Small Business Trends to Watch in 2015

2014 was an exciting year. Small business has been an important part of economic growth and job creation and has helped develop and improve on business tools that impact every business large and small. The coming year looks to be even more exciting. Here are three trends to watch for in 2015 that will have…

Running a Small Business? Don’t Make these 4 Mistakes

We all make mistakes; some of them are just more costly than others. Running a small business isn’t for the faint-hearted and mistakes are part of the game. With that in mind, here are four mistakes to avoid that you don’t have to learn the hard way: 1. Don’t ignore the details It’s been said,…

Will Credit Monitoring Hurt Your Credit Score?

The short answer is no. Credit monitoring does not hurt your credit score. According to Experian: “If consumers access their own credit reports, it does not have any effect on their credit scores. Reviewing a credit report results in what is called a “soft pull,” or “soft inquiry,” meaning it will only be seen on…

5 Smart Business Lessons From Your Favorite Christmas Movies

1. Think Before Committing to a Big Purchase on Credit: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) Who can forget how desperate Clark Griswold is for his year-end bonus, since he’s already put down an advance on a new swimming pool. When his “bonus letter” reveals a membership to a Jelly of the Month club rather than…

Looking For a Small Business Loan? You’ll Need These 6 Documents

It’s true, every lender is different and many of them don’t require the same documentation, but here’s a list of six important financial documents that will help you prepare for just about any small business loan—from the SBA to an online lender. 1. Your business financial statements: These are the documents the lender will look…

Customer Success Story: The Mystic Florist

About The Mystic Florist Shop Richard Carrillo has been a professional florist for more than 30 years. His Mystic, Connecticut floral shop, The Mystic Florist, specializes in beautiful floral arrangements—with styles that include New York City Contemporary, Hawaiian Tropical, and New England Wild and Country for weddings, anniversaries, bridal, and other special events. Like Many…

Sometimes It’s the Little Things that Ruin Your Credit

You might be surprised to learn how some seemingly harmless things can make a mess of your personal credit—making it harder to get a small business loan. Not long ago, I came across a list of five seemingly harmless things Gerri Detweiler, Director of Consumer Education for, suggests wreak havoc on your credit score—you…

5 Key Rules for Handling Customer Complaints on the Internet

This past October, a restaurant in Kansas City found itself involved in a “Yelp battle” of sorts after a disgruntled customer questioned their takeout policy. Now while this back and forth may be entertaining to read, was it good for business? Here are 5 tips to live by when addressing an angry customer online: 1.…

My Banker Turned Down My Loan Application, Now What?

You’re not alone. Depending upon the study you read, as many as 40% to 90% of small business owners get turned away by the bank—many of them are strong and healthy businesses, but get rejected for a number of reasons. If you’ve been turned down by the bank, here’s what you should do next: 1.…