
Personal Credit Reporting Changes: What They Mean to You
It’s no secret that monitoring and protecting your personal credit score is important for small business owners. Your personal credit score is a metric every lender considers when evaluating your credit worthiness; and recent changes made by the big three personal credit reporting bureaus will make it a little easier. “The three big credit reporting…

How to Spend Your Time on What Matters Most for Your Business
A well-planned day will make or break a small business. It may sound like hyperbole, but this statement isn’t far off. One of the biggest challenges facing small business owners is keeping up with the day-to-day tasks, and balancing it all. In order to be successful, you have to know where your time should go,…

Small Business Lending: Are You Ready for a Loan?
I have a consultant friend who helps struggling Main Street businesses get back on their feet. Yesterday he and I were talking about the current state of small business in general and all the changes that have impacted how small business owners find the capital they need to keep their business thriving. As you might…

The 6 Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Your Accountant this Year
Regular meetings with your accountant can help you keep on top of your financials and taxes. You can ensure you make the most of your meetings, and stay prepared for the year ahead, by asking these six questions. 1. How can I help you do a better job for me? No matter how skilled and…

4 Tips to Improve Your Business Credit Profile
While everyone understands the value of maintaining a good personal credit score, for small business owners is just as important to make sure your business credit profile is the best it can be. Both scores impact a business owner’s ability to secure a small business loan; and a good business credit profile can help secure…

5 Common Startup Financing Mistakes
Financing a startup is a challenge. In fact, unless you have exceptional credit and some cash in the bank it can be almost impossible. Writing for, Tom Gazaway identifies five common mistakes that make it even a harder—yet are pretty easy to overcome with a little bit of planning and forethought. Gazaway suggests you…

Do You Have the Right Insurance For Your Business?
Insurance is designed to protect small businesses from expenses associated with lawsuits, but also from costs surrounding injured employees, stolen equipment, or damaged property. No matter what type of business you run, consider purchasing some or all of the following types of insurance for your company and its assets: 1. General Liability Insurance. If your…

Small Business Lending: Does Your Business Qualify for an SBA Loan?
Although the SBA (Small Business Administration) is not a bank and doesn’t actually make small business loans, they do offer a guarantee to the traditional lenders, like banks and credit unions, which do. The SBA might not be the biggest source of funds available to small business owners, but they are an important source—making funds…

The Single Biggest Killer of Employee Productivity in Winter… And How to Beat It
Winter can be a rough time for employee morale, what with the frigid temperatures, icy roads, and those gloomy winter skies. It’s also a rough time for our employee health; since we are all cooped up indoors together, we spread germs faster during the winter months. That means that your team is much more likely…

Does My Age Affect My Personal Credit Score?
The short answer is no. Your date of birth doesn’t necessarily impact your personal credit score—but the age of your credit profile does. “What it means is the age of your credit report. Yes, your credit report has an age just like anything else,” writes Gerri Detweiler for “And that age has a positive…

What is a Hackathon and Why is OnDeck Doing One?
A blending of the words “hack” and “marathon,” a hackathon is a creative approach many tech companies use to empower their development and product teams to innovate. A hackathon gives teams a chance to step away from their day-to-day projects and dedicate time to solving problems they really feel passionate about with others motivated to…

4 Things You Didn’t Know Marketing Could Do For You

OnDeck Success Story: Axis Pack N Ship
About Axis Pack N Ship Like most entrepreneurs, Raj Gauri always knew he wanted to be his own boss and run his own business. As a result, he’s been serving his customers for 16 years out of his Norwalk, CT Axis Pack N Ship. In addition to shipping all over the world, he and his…

Do I Really Need to Meet With My Accountant Every Quarter?
Your accountant is there to help you file your tax return, but also to avoid financial missteps, including unwise tax decisions, costly disorganization, and poor budgeting. And while the tax time meeting is mandatory, it’s also important to meet with your accountant throughout the year. Here are six ways that quarterly meetings with your accountant…

Rebuild Your Credit With a Secured Credit Card
Running a small business is not for the faint-hearted. In fact, meeting small business financial obligations can sometimes be very stressful and feel like robbing Peter to pay Paul. In other words, making decisions about which invoices get paid and which ones don’t isn’t easy. And, although this may have been a fact of life…